Your wedding day can easily become a TOTAL BLUR. You spend all this money and all this time preparing for the big day... only to have everything flash by before your eyes. Do you even remember the table toppers? How about the cocktail appetizers that cost you SO MUCH? Don't get lost in the blur.
My name is Kaitlyn and I am a California wedding photographer! I am here to help you plan a perfect, blissful wedding day. So tag along as I slowly release tips and advice for ensuring that your day is exactly what you hoped it would be.
Today's tip? How to make sure you take STUNNING wedding portraits in your wedding attire!

There are so many activities to squeeze into the day... believe it or not, making the time for your wedding portraits is something that often gets skipped! Don't skip it! These are the photos that you are going to show your great-great grandkids someday. (Okay.. that may have been a bit of a stretch-but at least your kids!)
Here are a few tips to ensure that you get those DREAMY wedding couple photos together.
1. Schedule enough time for the photos! (This includes the time it will take you to walk to the location.) We need 20 minutes AT LEAST to really slow down and capture the love. We can’t power through these!

2. Take advantage of this time to connect with your spouse. Make it an alone activity together! I am already a big advocate for capturing moments over poses so why not make this an opportunity to pause amidst the busy day to savor everything? Go on a walk together, sit and chat, take a deep breath and REMEMBER the day… aaaaand I’ll just be over here, taking photos of you doing it. It brings quality back into the experience instead of getting lost in the blur!

3. Be mindful of the light! Intentionally schedule your day around the sun. Plan for your portraits to happen with the beautiful sunset, during the hazy hours of the day.. or add a flash portrait session for later that night!

4. Ask your photographer to help you plan your timeline! I love it when a couple prioritizes the quality over the quantity, and lets me tell them how much time I need to do my job well. You hired me for a reason! Take advantage of my experience and knowledge to ensure the day goes well.

Good photos require planning! I cannot emphasize that enough. Those dreamy photos will not accidentally happen. It’s not just about how good the photographer is or their fancy gear… location, time of day, and the ability to slow down and participate in all influences the quality of your photos. So let me do what you hired me to do!
Planning your big day?? Send me a message to start a conversation. I would LOVE to be part of it.